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Sea Water Desalination is really the Solution

Before finding the answer to the question that whether really desalination is the solution let us first know how much amount of water exist on the earth and how much is fit for drinking, what is the process for making the sea water fit for drinking and is there any drawbacks of making sea water desalinate and also the amount of energy required for making sea water desalinate.

Fresh water really makes a small fraction of all water available on the planet while 70% of the world is covered with water, only 2.5% of it is fresh drinkable and the rest is oceanic salty water. Out of the 2.5% of water 1% is trapped in glacier and snowfields actual available water is 0.007% to feed the 6.8 bllion people.


Population is growing day by day but the drinkable water available only is limited and is not expanding, so there has to be some solution for the production of fresh water that can feed increasing population, one of the solution is Desalination.

What is Desalination
Desalination refers to the process of removing salt and other minerals from the water, specifically sea water. The desalined water could be used for many purposes such as drinking, irrigation, plantation and others.
There are mainly two types of desalination thermal desalination, and reverse osmosis. 

Thermal desalination
Thermal Desalination includes the boiling the water and collecting the water vapors to form a drinkable water, this is off course a natural process that we see daily in our life in the form of rain, but here is a challenge converting ocean water into vapors would require huge amount of energy, even if it is for some million peoples would require huge amount of energy, whereas countries are already having energy crisis could not afford it.

Reverse Osmosis
Reverse osmosis is the process in which salined water is pressurized against the membrane which stuck to its place and don’t allow the minerals to pass through it thus what we get on the other side of the membrane is desalined water. The by-product consisting the minerals is called Brine.


What is Brine
Brine refers to the by product that we get from the desalinated water, it usually contains salt and other sea water minerals so basically after removing the fresh water from the sea water brine is what we get which is actually nothing but a chemical, which is again disposed in the sea affecting the marine, so if we assume the continuation of desalination then we end up at adding more and more chemical to the sea and ocean which again impact the marine life. According to the recent publication in ELSEVIER "The state of desalination and brine production" for every 1 liter of desalinated water 1.5 liter of brine is produced. So basically we are producing the soft water but more than that we are producing chemicals impacting the environment.

So as a conclusion desalination could be a possible solution to solve the fresh water scarcity, but it includes the  byproduct generation that are not ecofriendly and marine life will be affected if dumped in the sea, in addition to this desalination includes the requirement of huge amount of energy and money investment which could be not economical operation for most of the country

share your thoughts what you think about desalination is it good or bad ?


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