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Tesla model 3 changing its charging demand


A recent study is done by Fleet Carma on EV charging behaviors of 3900 EV drivers, it is found that battery size of the Present EV as compared to past 5 years is almost 2 to 3 times, due to which there is a less need of often charging of vehicle with over 200 miles, however electricity usage is doubled per session as compared previous 5 years.

Tesla model 3 changing its charging demand
credit - Fleet carma
and this is the reason why Tesla is shifting its charging demand strategy to increase the capacity, Model 3 capacity is almost 3 times the larger than Nissan leaf and this is the reason why it covers 65% of the total market in US.
The average charging session is same as compared to prior years of around 3 to 3.5 hrs, but the amount of electricity is doubled per session from 9kWh to 18kWh.

Tesla model 3 changing its charging demand
credit - Fleet carma
Tesla model 3 changing its charging demand
credit - Fleet carma
Charging Impact on Grid

As per Fleet Carma the lesson that Grid company's should learn from its study that in the future more and more heavy batteries will come in which ranges up to 180kWh and more like the Rivian R1T and R1S 

As per the Fleet carma the biggest challenge for utilities companies will have is to manage the demand load coming fro ma single transformer, and at the same time managing charging load of the neighborhood as well, this can be done by either implementing time of use rate structure or implement smart grid technology.

data from the Fleet carma suggest that users responds more to off pricing period as soon as the low pricing time eanables everyone rushes to charge their EVs, which makes good load spikes in grid. 

Fleet carma study shows that and is actually futuristic warning to the utilities to come up with solutions in order to accommodate heavy charging, since EV's are upgrded rapidly Grid should also be upgraded parallely or bring innovative charging method that could more EV's with more charging power per session.

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